Hey there, I'm Clara 👋

A product designer care about aesthetic and humanity.
I craft delightful and approachable products
that resonate with diverse audiences.

Studying at Carnegie Mellon University, SoA & HCII. Podcasting on HCI Insiders.

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Selected Works

Container Tracking Dashboard

B2B / SaaS / Product Designer

Empower efficient cargo container status tracking and management for freight forwarders to enhance user experience

SyncKitchen Cover Image


B2B / Internal Tool / Product Designer

An extensive online cooking inventory management system customized for food scientists, chefs, and restaurant owners


B2C / Healthcare / Gamification / Children & Parents

A gamified pediatric cardiac care application designed to support parents with children suffering from cardiovascular disease

AI-powered Clubhouse

B2C / Social Media / Implementing AI/ML

Reimagine Remote Audio Party With an AI Assistant